– Carmen Baylies
The Dragonbeard Prince – played by Peter Baylies and his Crimson Phoenix – portrayed by Carmen Baylies, traveled through the piedmonts of the Carolinas. Lord Blackbeard alerted his alliances to take care of crossing the seas with a bounty issued for pirates that aided Blackbeard from capture. The Nexus Storm provided excellent protection as we visited a few of our pirate strongholds in the Carolinas.
The Baylies reveled in fun for Halloween! Or at least say I needed visual stimulation for a story. We tipped our caps to the strongholds that keep our sacred items safe. To the Hunter-Baylies Haven, The Blue Cay, and The Baylies Cove’s masters and mistresses, cheers and drinks on us next time we meet. May the pirate’s prayer cover you always.